Welcome to RJM Insulation Limited



To qualify for a grant, you must own or privately rent the property. If you are a private tenant, you will need verbal permission from your landlord before making an enquiry. We cannot assist Council or Housing Association tenants, unless you own more than 50% of a Housing Association property.

Someone living in the household must receive one of the benefits listed on the left below. Pension Credit and Child Tax Credit qualify without additional components and the remaining four benefits require at least one of the additional elements shown on the right.

Main Benefit

Qualifying Component

·       Pension Credit (State Pension TOP UP)

·       Child Tax Credit (household income less than £15,850)*

·       None Required

·       Income Support

·       Income Based Jobseekers Allowance

·       Income-Related Employment Support Allowance

·       Child under 16

·       Child under 20 in full-time education (not university)

·       Child Tax Credit with a disability element

·       Disabled Child Premium

·       Disability Premium

·       Pension Premium

·       Work Related Activity or Support Component**

·       Working Tax Credit (household income less than £15,850)*

·       Child under 16

·       Child under 20 in full-time education (not university)

·       Severe Disability Element

·       Disabled Worker Element

·       Aged 60 or Over